Welcome beautiful...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

As white as snow...

If you live in south-east england, you would know we have had the worst weather conditions over the past few days. Monday was noted to be the worst snow fall in the last 18 years. Well having been a resident of this land for about thirteen years now, this is the worst I have seen it.

To the lucky two in five working population that didn't even attempt to make it to work, LUCKY you! another day added to your weekend, hope you all enjoyed yourselves (hint of jealousy). I unfortunately still had to drag my freezing self to work despite the treacherous conditions. The newscasters warned 'Do not travel unless you absolutely have to', but did my workplace care? NO! I called hoping to be pardorned to lazyabout at home with my sister, who was on leave from work anyway, I was sharpley told there were piles of prescriptions awaiting my attention so YES I did have to come to work.

After 20mins trying to locate my car .......

I have to say that the usual 45minutes drive, prolonged to 75mins that day, was no where near fun for me. Had to stick to 40mph in a 70mph zone and keep my two hands firmly on the steering wheel to gain some sense of control. As I drove along the A12 towards essex, I could see cars that had veered to the side of the road causing numerous accidents. I could see policemen in their wellies trying to control traffic as best as they could. I could see big trucks flashing their orange lights, spreading grit/salt in an attempt to ease the burden. An interesting sight indeed.
I thank God for taking the wheel, I'm thankful that I made it to and from my destination in one piece....


  1. yewande, trust i dont want the snow again, thou it was nice and white but can we just go to the normal days without ice.....:)

  2. Hey girl.. the snow was nice, at least we had some fun paying around (those of us that had an extra day added to our weekend), but it really messed up the following days, everywhere was all wet and slippery, I enjoyed the first day and wished it all vanished by the next.

  3. unfortunately, i never got the chance to chill at home and blame the snow.......
